At FitHealthHQ.com, transparency is a top priority. This disclaimer is intended to ensure that you, our valued visitor, understand how our website generates revenue through advertising and affiliate links.
Affiliate Links Disclosure
Some links on FitHealthHQ.com are affiliate links. This means that if you click on these links and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. These commissions help support the maintenance and growth of our website, allowing us to continue providing valuable content related to wellness, fitness, and nutrition.
We only recommend products, services, or brands that we believe in and would personally use. However, we encourage you to conduct your own research before making any purchase decisions.
Sponsored Content & Advertising
From time to time, we may accept sponsored content, paid advertisements, or product reviews from brands and vendors. Any sponsored posts or advertisements will be clearly identified to maintain transparency with our audience. While we may receive compensation for these placements, our opinions remain unbiased, and we strive to provide honest reviews and insights.
Editorial Integrity
All content on FitHealthHQ.com reflects our genuine opinions, research, and personal experiences. While we may earn revenue through advertising, sponsorships, or affiliate programs, this does not affect our commitment to delivering authentic, high-quality, and trustworthy information.
Third-Party Advertisements
We may display banner ads, widgets, or links to third-party products and services. While we strive to feature reputable brands, we do not control the claims, testimonials, or business practices of third-party advertisers. We encourage users to independently verify any product claims before purchasing.
Legal Compliance
This disclaimer aligns with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines (16 CFR Part 255) regarding endorsements, testimonials, and advertising transparency.
Final Note
Your trust is important to us. If you ever have questions about a product recommendation or advertisement featured on our website, feel free to contact us at fithealthhq.contact@gmail.com.
By using FitHealthHQ.com, you acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this disclaimer.